Copy this criteria onto the bottom of your Slaughterhouse Rulez analysis and then follow these steps:
- You will need to read your analysis slowly and carefully once you have completed this then highlight the success criteria.
- GREEN= Yes I have done this well
- ORANGE= I have done this in parts
- RED= I have not done this
- Then set yourself 3 targets of things you need to do better.
- Copy and paste your analysis underneath and then proofread it and improve it by redrafting and addressing the things that were ORANGE or RED in your self-check.
Success criteria
- Use full sentences and paragraphs in an essay style.
- Have you used an introduction, a middle (arguing your points, making your analysis) and a conclusion?
- Work through the trailer in chronological order.
- Have you focused on significant elements from the text?
- Have you dealt with them in chronological order?
- Use key terminology to explain how the trailer constructs meaning.
- Have you made use of subject specific terminology in your writing? Have you been detailed in the way that you have done this?
- Consider the use of camera, mise-en-scene and sound.
- Have you explained camera shot types and interpreted how they have constructed meaning?
- Have you deconstructed the mise-en-scene? Have you commented on set, locations, costumes, lighting etc.? Have you explained how they have constructed meaning for the audience?
- Consider the representation of characters.
- Have you explained how the characters are represented? Have you explained why? Have you explained what the audience will think of them?
- Consider denotation and connotation in your writing.
- Have you described literally what you are seeing and hearing? Have you done this in detail and depth? Have you suggested what this might mean to an audience? Have you used the words denotation or connotes?
- Explain how it compares and contrasts to what you have seen in the actual movie.
- Have you referred to the actual movie? Have you explained how they are alike or where there are differences? Have you identified why this might be?
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