Thursday, May 16, 2019

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Uses and Gratifications theory was developed by Blumler and Katz suggests that media users as an audience play an active role in choosing and consuming media products to satisfy specific needs.

Blumler and Katz believed that the user (audience) seeks out the media source that best fulfills their needs.
The uses and gratifications theory assumes the audience chooses what media products it wants to consume for four different needs:
1 The need for information and education – the audience want to acquire information, knowledge and understanding by watching programmes like the news or documentaries or reading newspapers.
2 The need for personal identity - the audience can recognise a person or a product, role models that reflect similar values to themselves and mimic or copy some of their characteristics.
3 The need for integration and social interaction – the ability for a media product to produce a topic of conversation between people who consume it. For example who is the best contestant on The X-factor, the best couple on Love Island or what was the best goal shown on Match of the Day.
4 Escapism, diversion or entertainment– computer games and action films let viewers escape their real lives and imagine themselves in those situations.  Audiences seeking enjoyment from media products.
The videos below explain Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory and provide some examples to look at for your exam.

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